Friday, 26 August 2011

but if you never try you'll never know just what you're worth

I've managed to tear myself away from my busy schedule of doing nothing to write a new post- shocking.

It's not that often that I'm prepared to go out on a limb, but I'm going to say that this cover of Fix You is better than the original. There, I said it. I've never really been a fan of Coldplay anyway but this version that Gabrielle Aplin performed for her BBC Introducing Maida Vale session really caught my attention.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, her voice has an amazing quality to it. A smooth tone, gentle but still powerful, nonetheless. She doesn't try to replicate anybody else or recreate the original song, she merely performs it as she wants to.

And it's not overcomplicated. Just a simple piano arrangement, accompanied by an acoustic guitar towards the end of the song. Nothing fancy, just a few chords married perfectly with her voice.

Gabrielle also performed her own songs, demonstrating her unique talent and ability to craft intimate, mature and revealing poetry to portray her stories.

To watch the full session click here.


  1. really like your blog - i love getting music recomendations from people. im going to download all these songs so i'll let you know what i think, so excited to hear the cover of fix you because i adore the words in that song!
    im now following you :)
    take care, Holz oxo

  2. Thank you! Yes, do let me know what you think! x
